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Adams and B (Series with Wren Adams!)

Now this is alittle crazy! I've done a few collaborations with people WAAAAAY above my 'pay grade' so to speak since I've started this silly little site but this is something I never expected!

So basically this is a collaboration cap story with the one and only Wren Adams! She produces all kinds of awesome body swap and possession videos over at her youtube page. If you haven't seen any of them yet, check it out! You just might like it! I know I do.

Be sure to subscribe to her page and comment on her videos! Creators love feedback and knowing they have an audience. It'll only help her put out more awesome stuff and even crazy stuff like this!

Last thing. I gotta thank Wren herself for being really cool and helping develop the story for the caps! I've been excited to put these out for a few days now.

If you want more Wren/Capper crossovers. Mosey on over to tehswitcher's site!
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